Just a quickie …

There are 3 of us behind JustMaths – Myself, Seager who is usually the “butt” of my jokes and then there is Fize. He rarely gets a mention but he works hard at keeping the back end of the site working and trust me when I say it’s been creaking recently! This is why we’ll be down for a while over the next couple of days as he carries out an upgrade to cope with the increased volumes we continue to see on the site. Consider it as “the whole” of JustMaths getting some much needed R&R … we will be back I promise!  

Anyway, I sincerely hope you’re all done and ready for tomorrow and you haven’t been running around “to the end” to get “just one more thing”. The next few days are all about family and friends and so I’d like to take this opportunity to say Thank You and wish you all a Merry Christmas from the JustMaths “trio”.