My year 10s have written and performed today, some absolutely fab maths songs in the style of the Chris Moyles quiz show – I was so proud of all of the students for performing and having a go, but exceptionally proud of a couple of the quieter ones, who shocked me (in a nice way) with their ability to stand up and sing. I have to be honest it was all a bit hectic with students working everywhere … and I mean everywhere!! At one point they were practising in my room, our maths office and in various locations along two corridors … slightly manic, but they really embraced it.

The major learning point for them is that I can be an idiot when it comes to practical stuff with IT –  I  used my ipad upside down, and so when shown on my laptop, a few of the groups were upside down, as shown in the photo (what makes it worse is that this isn’t the first time). We unearthed some brilliant voices, a couple of budding camera people (not me! as I soon relinquished the job to the group) and some really bizarre choices of music (Morecambe and Wise – complete with skipping into the distance) . It really was a great way to end the term for these two groups that have worked so hard this term.