Getting some of our students to revise is ridiculously difficult. We provide them with so many different resources and I’d like to think that we signpost what they need to do, pretty well. Its tough when there is a long run until the next exam session – there seems to be no sense of urgency in some cases and a very real mañana attitude. I’m an advocate of “a little but often” school of thought, so have set up a new twitter account specifically for students. The way @ReviseJustMaths is going to work is:
– 2 or 3 times a day I am tweeting a past exam question from various exam boards – This will be followed by a tweet with the worked solution. – The account is not being used to “follow” other people (including the students that follow @ReviseJustMaths) – Basically like the bio says “I tweet maths questions and nothing else”
If you are a teacher you may want to suggest that your students also follow the account. It can’t be their only revision but as the ad says “every little helps” (I promise there are no horses involved though!) .