top itYou’d think that the rules were being made up as we go along …. they are!

Week 1 (it was week 1 for me) was Gandalf

Week 2 was Star Wars AND standard form … here is my Top Trumps activity based on standard form with a Star Wars theme .

I’ve loved making these kinds of activities and trying to be a bit more creative – it makes me really think about different ways of getting the students to practice the maths skills they are learning, without just doing “more of the same”. … Not that I’m competitive but to this weeks challenge I say BRING IT ON!!

Thinking aloud now … is this something that TES or the Guardian would be interested in supporting … think of all the themed resources they would get from it too??

THIS WEEKS CHALLENGE IS VALENTINES AND ESTIMATING MEAN FROM A TABLE … We cant be frivolous with our time as teachers and this is a key revision topic- so as the phrase goes “kill two birds with one stone!”

Note to Seager: who just told me I’d spelt “teachers” wrong! … its right! it means teachers who tweet! #muppet

NB: Top Trumps brand name used with kind permission of Winning Moves