Going to try this tomorrow … wish me luck!!

The idea is the group will be split into 1’s and 2’s sitting on opposite sides of desks (with the room in a horseshoe shape). Every student will be given a data sheet :

Data sheets

and a question sheet  and the idea is that they will be given 2 minutes with the person opposite them to find the answers to their questions … its not that simple as the person in front of them may not necessarily have the information on their data sheet, so they will have to wait for the next person to come along.

Question sheets

I have spent some time making sure that the questions given to 1’s relate to the data sheets that only some of the 2’s will have and vice versa. On the basis that some of the tasks are time consuming (i.e. estimating the mean) they won’t get all the work done with one speed date and will have to wait until the next person with the relevant information comes along.

Fingers crossed. I will add a comment below on how the lesson goes … check it out …