2 - el timbres posters

I have had a couple of requests today (how weird is that? 2 in the same day) from visitors to some intervention training we did at school, asking me about the posters I have up in my room … specifically a display of posters I was raving about on the day from @El_Timbre on Twitter. These are a set of 6 posters and are just fab …. they can be downloaded here!! My favourite is the Simpsons one .. sheer genius!

On the same theme, it seems like yesterday when I moved into my classroom, and in the summer before I started my NQT year I went in (all keen and eager) and made my classroom “mine”. I am sure that the rest of the department must have thought I was a right nerd. Well, over the last 3 1/2 years a few things have survived the odd creative moment, when I change things up a little – my “Top Maths Cool Wall” and  “Watch this space” display above the whiteboard are still there as I think they serve a purpose.

3 - front and back

One of the new things I have introduced is my Polar Bear Pirates … it’s all based on a motivational speaker I saw in my previous career who really summed up the different personalities you come across in the corporate world –  but to be honest these people are equally likely to be other teachers or indeed students.

1 - whole display

Beware the negferrets!