Idecimals‘ve noticed that my most recent blog posts have been (a) about resources and (b) bullet points. When I started blogging I had visions of being all deep and meaningful, but I’ve come to the conclusion that (a) I don’t have the time and (b) I actually like sharing my resources. I am tempted to add (c) I’m as shallow as a teaspoon, but am aware that some of you (that’s if anyone actually reads this shiz) might actually believe me.

So, in my usual fashion I’ve done a little connect 4, for addition and subtraction of decimals (including answers) that I am going to use tomorrow with my small group of foundation students as a starter for their “number” based lesson – not sure what it’ll be yet, but that’s what Sunday nights are for … planning lessons.

You might also want to watch this space as I’ve got a draft post that I’m working on about grade descriptors and my view on them – I can’t promise it will be deep and meaningful.