A recent tweet from Tom Riley (@riley_ed) reminded me that I’ve been meaning to blog (I’ve been all over the place for the last couple of weeks!!) about the worked solutions we’ll be doing for any future resources I put on the website. I know as a teacher when you have a great resource, sometimes you don’t have the time to work it through yourself, and its then embarrassing when all you get around the room is “have I got it right miss?” – which is why I like self-checking style worksheets and also where the idea of producing annotated solutions came from. It also means that I get to check the worksheet too, not that its a guarantee that I haven’t made a mistake đŸ˜‰ – I try my best but we are all human and mistakes do happen.
Additionally the exam questions by topic that we’ve put together for each of the Top 40 topics, has a worked solution too … if you haven’t heard about them, here is the questions by topic for “Two-way tables” and this is the worked solution. They are a collection of exam questions from all the major exam boards, that have been worked through and I’ve even made little pointers as I’ve gone along – we’ve actually made them available to all of our department and I know Seager has been using the exam questions for homework with his intervention classes.
Wow!! so many posts in one morning! … that’s me done until tomorrow or Monday as I’m off to sort out my dads overgrown garden in Newport – now that will be weird being back in the home that was owned by my Mam and Dad for sixty-odd years without him being there, but at least some of the family will be with me.