I posted a blog a few weeks ago in which I collated a load of homework ideas from Twitterworld – here’s the post – (thank you to all the amazing tweeters, who made suggestions) one of the ideas from @sarahestocker, that I said I was going to try was getting students to design worksheets for other students to do, with the work being marked by the originator and also the worksheet being assessed by the students. I absolutely loved this idea, and have put myself a little template together with the first one being given to my year 11s tomorrow is in relation to circle theorems (here it is, if you also want to have a go) … I’m calling the whole idea “DIY Worksheets” and this may be the start of a series of them, for which I can adapt my template slightly each time we do a new topic.
UPDATE: I’ve used these with 2 groups so far and have looked at them before they get given to another student to complete. When its given to them tomorrow I am stapling an assessment form (here) for them to complete (in addition to doing the worksheet) that involves providing some feedback to the “setter”.
2016 Update – I’ve also added an “angles in polygons worksheet —> DIY – Angles in Polygons
The response on this has been brilliant so far, granted I did it with 2 groups that I can trust, but I passed the idea by my Mechanics 1 group and they seemed quite keen so they are getting one to do for the first part of kinematics (here) that we’ve covered so far too when I hand them their marked books back tomorrow … they will be sooooo pleased.