ConferenceHeaderYou may have, like me, received the following email with a load of blurb about Mathspeak 2013 … all you really need to know is that one of the speakers is Seager!!!

The inaugural Mathspeak 2013 conference being held this November at the IndigO2 arena. This conference offers the ideal opportunity after the November GCSE examinations to get up to date with all the latest policy and developments in this ever changing Mathematics landscape. Due to the absence of the March examination in this academic year the timing of this conference is designed to aid Maths departments with the strategy and resources to be best prepared for the Summer 2014 examinations.

Hear first-hand from current practitioners how they have implemented and addressed some of the key issues facing all Maths departments across the country.

There will also be the opportunity to hear from leading Mathematics authors and experts including Professor Simon Singh, who will be talking about his new book, The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets. Graham Cumming (The man behind the Maths Emporium) will also be there to update everyone on the current mathematical landscape. In addition we have many other influential speakers, ranging from the policy makers, the academics to the technologists.

This conference is designed to be genuinely interactive allowing for questions and discussions to take place throughout the day with all speakers and sessions. All of the major examination boards will be represented so whatever questions you may have someone will be on hand to answer them.

To find out more information and to book a place please go to