Just a quickie post to say that on Monday the government launched their consultation of the draft programmes of study for English and mathematics at key stage 4. You can find the draft version for maths (here) and you can respond online to the Consultation too. Do make sure that you have your say!! Closing date is Monday 3rd February.

If you haven’t quite worked it out yet – as it does appear to have passed a few people by – this is to be examined in 2017, so if you are going to teach this as a two year course it would mean teaching from Sept 2015 but most schools are likely to extend KS4 into year 9, which would mean starting to prepare students for this from September 2014. It is also very likely that schools will look towards a 5 year scheme of work that covers the whole period from years 7 to 11.

Many of the exam boards are expecting to get their draft specifications ready (it was Spring but I’ve just found out its going to be later than that for one of them) and then all the other resource and teaching stuff  will follow this as their specifications gain approval. This however isn’t going to help many of us that aren’t waiting until 2015 …. more to come on this … fun! fun! fun!

OI!! YES YOU!! … Get online now and respond to the consultation .. surely you have a view; Whether you have issues with it, or are supportive of the new P.O.S … make your view known!