I’m usually a golf widow on Saturday mornings, but today was different and  we’d spent the morning having a “sort out”, which is how I found myself at the local waste collection site (more commonly known as “the tip”!) with the boot of my car full of stuff that we’ve finally got around to deciding we no longer wanted. Don’t ask!! BUT … as I was getting out of the car, I put my sunglasses onto my head and looked down at my clothes … I was wearing slip-on shoes with sparkly bits, trackie bottoms, a vest top, my parker coat … and bloody sunglasses!! (well … the sun was at that awkward angle when its really tough to see the road!!). It dawned on me … I’ve turned into that nutty woman you see out and about, that makes you wonder if they got dressed in the dark!  It’s a good job I am neither vain, or have any shame but did make me wonder “When did this happen?”

I’ve put it down to having had the previous couple of days pottering around the house, and doing those jobs that you never get time to do in term time, and not really venturing out into the “real world”. Its always the same during any time off – always feels like I’ve got all the time in the world to “get ahead of the game” and then the next thing you know its the weekend before going back to work and of course, its the perfect time to start a new project (of course its not the right time!!). In my defence – I have no idea who I’m trying to justify myself to! – I spent Tuesday doing an extra Mechanics session with year 12 and Wednesday was our Collaborative SOW meeting, and in reality I’ve done little bits of work as and when the fancy has taken me.

Oh my! Tomorrow is going to be a busy work day (on the plus side, I have earned some major brownie points getting “housey” jobs properly completed today!!) – the first thing on my “to-do” list is to deal with mails & post another blog post about the Collaborative SOW … watch this space 🙂