In the spirit of sharing and making this truly a collaborative project I promised I’d post an update so here it is:

  1. We went through the KS3 and KS4 programmes of study and produced a sort of running order. If you’re interested I’ve attached the spread sheet (here) and there is a tab called “Version for comments” which shows this order as agreed at the 2 meetings. I am now asking everyone to have a look and see if there are any major omissions or errors (and return to me with comments by Sunday 9th March). The idea is that I’ll collate the information and put them out to the working group to gain a consensus for any changes.  
  2. After this date I’ll be asking for people to take on specific units to complete the Unit sheets. I’ve shown one on the spread sheet (example unit sheet) that shows the progression over the 3 years through the topics for that unit. It hasn’t got all the fields filled in, but will give you an idea.
  3. Not all of this info will be viewable when viewing on the unit page of the website, but I’d expect to have a paper version that will include all the information on it so you can see is what you need to be teaching, and what they should know and also what is next for that topic.
  4. The fabulous Jon Treby (@jjtreby … if you don’t follow him on Twitter you MUST!) has started to put together a website and whilst its in its infancy it’ll give you a flavour. I have no doubt that it will evolve over time and get refined as we progress with this little project.  The site can be found here Maths Collaborative SOW
  5. There will be members of the group that have admin access to the site to add and also approve the addition of resources to the site – so we don’t get a load of spam added to it, as we intend to have resource pages that are “tried and tested” resources for specific topics and abilities, which means we can save fellow teachers some time by not having to sift through 1000’s of resources.
  6. I’ve also had some queries about extending this to a 5 year SOW to include years 7 and 8 and I’ve responded saying that the way we’re doing it means we can precede year 9 with another 2 years quite easily – but not a priority at the minute as we want to get something in place for the new year 9s in September. I do however have a “man for the job” all lined up and raring to go (he might not be so positive!!) when we’ve done the years 9 to 11.

Its all looking good, and as I keep saying we can achieve so much more as a collective than as individual teachers or individual departments. I’m almost contemplating working out the combined “teaching years” of knowledge that are working on this …