If you are within about 20 or 30 miles of the school at which we work, you should have received an invite to the next Edexcel Maths Collaborative Network meeting (not to be confused with the stuff we’ve been doing on the Scheme of Work .. I can see this getting very confusing!!) – basically you’ll know if you usually come to these shindigs and so just look out for the invite and get Wednesday 12th March (9am to 12pm) in your diary now!!
If you haven’t a clue what I am talking about … I should explain. With the demise of the Heads of Maths meetings that were held by the local authority Edexcel wanted to trial having hub schools across the UK and Seager was approached (he basically does “some stuff” which involves presenting “some other stuff” for them) to be one of the trial schools. These meetings are held about 3 or 4 times a year and the idea is that they will eventually have a whole raft of these across the country, that allow sharing on a local, regional and national level of best practice etc. Just because its supported by them, to attend you don’t have to use them as your exam board and the usual rules about not discussing specifics about exams applies. I have to be honest the feedback has been superb and having attended one of the LA events, where I came away thinking it was a very (VERY) expensive lunch, the fact that it is free and driven by local needs is amazing really.