As I sat on the train yesterday I couldn’t help but think that it felt a little like the “old days” for me; if I didn’t think you’d throw rotten apples and tomatoes at me I’d have actually written that it felt “like the old days when I had a proper job, before teaching”. It was weird seeing all these people going about their day-to-day lives which is just so very different from teaching and sometimes you forget what goes on outside the school gates when you’re closeted in your classroom … no? maybe that’s just me then!
At this point I am going to swiftly sweep aside the idea you have about this being a “jolly” to London – it WAS work! Seager and I arrived in the city and made our way to somewhere very swanky on the Strand. We’d come down to do some filming with an exam board – they are creating webpages to support teachers ahead of the new GCSE Maths 2015 specification and they asked us (in the guise of our day jobs as teachers) if we’d be prepared to be involved in the production of some video clips about the changes and also provide some resources. The whole thing involved a few hours filming and we know this will probably result in less than 2 mins of footage. It was a bit of a giggle and you’ll be pleased to hear we haven’t come over all “diva- like” … Well I haven’t – but I cant speak for “Mr Seager”, as he was demanding to be known.
However, today he had to accept that he will just be plain old “Seager” as everything was back to normal – apart from me having the biggest blisters you’ve ever seen from our “power walking” across the city … ouch!