DELETED 2Many, many months ago I set up a dropbox to share my twitter questions and answers that I tweet out as @ReviseJustMaths and this grew into me sharing loads of other resources too – basically it’s just a  small  (that doesn’t mean that there isn’t loads of stuff in there!) selection  of the stuff that’s available on JustMaths Online ( ). There are however issues with dropbox as a way of sharing files and occasionally (like this evening) I’ll be happily using my laptop and a little icon appears telling me that either a file has been added or even worse a file has been deleted. Seriously … I don’t know what some of you are doing but it drives me mental (I know I can probably  switch off the alert!) – which brings me to the major issue that I have to go into dropbox and restore the deleted files (a few times now I have had to restored 100’s and 100’s of the flipping things!):


The other issue is that you can’t allocate user rights and somehow we’ve ended up with loads of duplicated files which because I’m not the owner (of that file) I can’t delete it to tidy up the folders and you end up with something that looks like the below with many, many copies of the same file just with different names, and I just can’t live with that! I like a nice, orderly filing system!!!


So if you have access to dropbox – look out for an email (if you haven’t had the request yet .. bear with me .. I have another 181 to do!!) from me through gmail giving you access to “google drive” … it works the same as dropbox but I can allocate “view” rights so you can’t mess with the files … You may need to set up a gmail email address, but that’s easy!

google drive