This will be my view! Let me start by saying I’m not really here! I will be sat looking at this and where I’m going there is no interweb:

Before I left I’d been looking at options for sharing files (as you know) and it turns out that google drive isn’t perfect either, so this is where we’re at:

(1) dropbox allows people to change the files and delete them! Not perfect so I need something that means you can allocate user rights to the files so that you can view them and download to your local PC but not change the version on the server.

(2) so it turns out when you want to share folders with more than 200 people google drive doesn’t like it – so it hasn’t worked when I’ve tried to share with 350 ish people (and growing by about 10-20 a week!!)

Fize is looking at options and I’m thinking of taking up residence in Graham’s emporium (no really I am! Are squatters rights still a “thing”?) at Edexcel … I am prepared to share the love though so if AQA or OCR want to host the resources please do let me know! (sorry WJEC, you’re welcome too … I did my GCSE with you guys many moons ago  after all!!) Please bear with me and I will have a solution (hopefully) when I’m back! In the meantime I’ve decided to share some of the links below …. in case you are actually planning on doing some work! DON’T DO IT!!

01 – How to sheets and revision 

02 – Numeracy Policy

09 – Twitter Q & A’s @ReviseJustMaths

10 – Number

To be honest it may be that my solution is to just share the dropbox links like the above few. Now I’m thinking about it I could add the folder links to the top or bottom of our “free stuff” page, but that means moving anything that is in dropbox into the “tabbed folders” as I don’t want to have files in two places … a plan is forming …. and I may withdraw my offer for someone else to host them! what do ya reckon? Do you have any ideas/preferences? (leave me a comment below if you have a view) …. At this point I am sure I really don’t care because I’ll be enjoying this:

do this