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Right now I’m at school, saying goodbye and celebrating results. We are leaving the maths department on a massive high, and as one of my mates told me it’s “all tied up with a bow”  – I could go on, and on, but the results are not ours, they are our students’. This day of the year has always been a real highlight for me and I genuinely look forward to it, but today is different and will probably go one of two ways:

(1) I’ll be hard as nails, and quite cold and calculated about the whole thing and do what needs to be done and get out of there as fast as I can. This won’t be because I don’t care, it’s sometimes the way I deal with stuff OR

(2) I’ll be in buckets of tears and will be a mess in the corner and not because I’ve made the wrong decision (I haven’t! I already know that!) it will be, because I am genuinely sad to leave my students and the amazing team of staff.

I really can’t second-guess it and whichever way it goes, I’ll hand in my keys, hand over my laptop and sign a form … and then it’s done.

As I walk to my car and drive away I’ll be reminding myself that the next chapter of my life cannot start if I keep re-reading the last one, and I’ll be smiling to myself as I can now officially pick up my new book and make a start.

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