Over the next few weeks I will be at a couple of things where there will be more maths teachers than you can shake a stick at, so …. what do you call a collection of maths teachers? … ooh get me! I’m sure there is a little bit of literacy in there somewhere?!?

Well I would call them barmy! especially given that a week on Saturday 100’s of them will be at La Salle Education’s Maths Conference in Kettering CHECK IT OUT HERE. Yes! I know giving up a Saturday for CPD…. whatever next??

To those of you that have signed up to come to the workshop Seager and I are doing (I do hope you wont be disappointed!) seriously I’m flattered but I have to tell you up front … we won’t have cake! … does that affect your choice of workshop? If you haven’t made your choices yet, can you please do so? … putting such an event on (and it being free to attend) is a feat in itself, and I am sure Mark McCourt’s team would appreciate some of us pulling our finger out (**hangs head in shame as I also hadn’t chosen mine until this evening!**)

Shortly after this, on Friday 3rd October “we” (I mean in our day jobs at Alcester Academy and not JustMaths!) will be hosting our first Collaborative Maths Network Meeting of the year – if you usually attend and haven’t heard anything … email Nikola (or me and I’ll forward the email on) … there will be cake! Actually that reminds me … when I was “underwhelmed” (Here is my vaguely ranting post) about the Governments new maths hubs – at the time, I had several “conversations” on Twitter and was told to expect to hear news and I’m sure that there was a promise of an invite from our local hub (not that local!) to a meeting in September … yep! you’ve guessed it … heard nothing! 

Would be interested to know what interaction any of you have had from your local hub, and how it has impacted on your school or your practice  – but realistically, given that it’s early days I would love to hear how you envisage what the hubs will do for maths teachers/teaching in the future. I am genuinely interested and am VERY VERY open minded … I’ve said that before and now just looking for the “pudding to provide the proof” that was promised.