I love other teachers! there! I’ve said it …

This week the amazing Simon Gibbs contacted me about whether I had done a best guess paper for a previous paper (I have something that will fit the job and just needs tidying up and tweaking) as he wants to make his upcoming mock as real as possible. In the past between the papers we have always put together a list of topics that we think are likely to appear in the second paper and in June we went one step further and put together a “best guess” paper (no guarantees of course). Don’t be going on about “topic spotting” etc .. why wouldn’t you do this? If you don’t give some direction students will go away and end up revising on topics that have already been tested and what a waste of their precious time!

I think the idea of having a “mock EVERYTHING” for year 11 is just brilliant! It’ll get students used to the support that they can expect from the maths department within a school when the real thing takes place and the familiarity will ease some of those exam nerves.

So guess what I’m doing this weekend … yep! putting together a proper best guess paper for the 2nd paper complete with some red herrings in there as there would be some topics that then don’t appear in the real thing.

Mr Gibbs … you are brilliant!!