I have previously posted about the accreditation process for the new maths GCSE (I know … LOTS OF TIMES!!) but I cannot let this lie – all I am doing is seeking clarity in the hope that the process is both transparent and fair. The stakes are too high to let this lie.

One of the posts ( THIS ONE ) was about how Ofqual were defining the difference between “demand” and “difficulty” and in particular the video that was released stated that the assessment standard is linked to “demand”, and I quote “the assessment standard – or how demanding a particular assessment is” and goes onto say that it is “very challenging to define right now

So? I hear you ask! Well!! Imagine how confused I am when in a “Report to Parliament” (a copy of which is HERE – its a big file!)  about their activities between 2011 and 31st December 2014 on page 12 is this …

Page 12

If they are so interested in demand AND difficulty how can we be left in a situation whereby they have launched a research project AFTER all the exam boards have had their qualifications accredited? I just wish they would make up their mind!

On another related point I have still not received a copy of Nick Gibbs letter (I mention it in THIS POST ) and so this weekend I have made a request for a copy under the Freedom of Information Act. I am aware that a copy has been made available to other interested parties and see no reason for it not to be made available to the general public.

I wait in hope!