white rabbit

So where are we?

2 weeks on Thursday the vast majority of our cohort nationally will be sitting the penultimate Summer sitting of the linear maths GCSE as we know it and Thursday Ofqual are due to announce the findings of their research project. We were told originally to expect news at the end of April, then “mid-May” and now it has been confirmed via a tweet that they will be published on Thursday.

You can hope (to ensure that they are “up to speed”) that there were lots of meetings held last week with the awarding bodies who are now rushing around putting plans into place and I am genuinely hoping that the findings will be supported by any supporting data and that there have been conclusions and actions as a result of the project … otherwise I’ll be doubting my understanding of what the outcomes of a “research project” should look like. I feel that we do need full disclosure of whatever the project found.


So whilst I’ve been waiting and twiddling my thumbs (I did have a weekend off doing some fun stuff so don’t worry about my work-life balance! and still working really hard by the way boss!) I’ve been looking through the minutes from the Joint Mathematical Council (link -> HERE to all the available minutes) and oh my! They make interesting reading: The great and good from all levels of the Maths Aristocracy make an appearance … not for people like “little ol’ me” I’m sure but I still find this kind of thing fascinating.

Two gems:

(1) in February 2014 – the reply when asked if “Ofqual wanted there to be more time before the implementation of the new GCSE” the response was “specimen assessment materials will be in schools in Autumn 2014”. Ummm … nope! Just wrong diddly wrong!


(2) In November 2014 the JMC committed to registering its disquiet and agreed “without opposition” that a letter would be sent to Ofqual. This letter has not been made freely available in the public domain yet I know it exists … Freedom of Information is a wonderful thing **wink, wink, nudge, nudge”

JMC Nov minutes

It all feels a little Alice in Wonderland … we have White Rabbit who is late for everything! Mad hatter questioning his sanity and poor little Alice being reassured that it doesn’t matter if you don’t know where you’re going!

cheshire cat