I’ve split this post into two parts .. you know how I love to “rabble on”. This part looks at the most recent (since 2012) government documents relating to their (read that as Gove’s) drive for a single exam board and the second is looking at it in the wider sense with a bit more ranting thrown in!

You can’t help but have noticed the recent headlines screaming about the exam boards being given their last chance, HERE or that Nick Gibb was “upset and angry” IN THIS ARTICLE . Apart from thinking “wow .. that’s a great way to act professionally” I wonder what people leaking these kind of stories think they are achieving. Images of a government minister stamping his feet aren’t doing anyone any favours (or maybe that’s the point?).

These headlines also bring up a couple of things for me but this isn’t a new threat and has been around for such a long time, but in recent years stems from the original consultation back in September 2012 for the reform of Key stage 4 qualifications by Gove (Document -> Original KS4 Consultation) The main points Gove wanted to do was reform GCSEs into his EBC but also this:


To be honest as I was still a newbie blogger at the time (I still feel like a the “fraud blogger police” will get me at some point!) and I didn’t feel it was right to go straight for the vernacular but now that it’s raised its head again it feels like a good time to go through the background … so the government was going to go all Britain’s Got Talent and hold a competition. Really? Is that the best way to go about things? I’d rather it was called a “bid” … much more professional. I wonder who’ll be Simon Cowell?

Seriously, please do take the time to read the consultation document it really does make interesting reading as to the rationale behind the GCSE changes and what the government originally had in mind. For me though, it just feels as if there are issues with the current GCSE rather than deal with the causes of grade inflation (if you agree that’s what has taken place!?) such as increased accountability in schools the government is treating the symptoms and wanted to changed it all!. As if that would help! The last 18 months have been horrendous in terms of uncertainty!

Regardless of my thoughts on whether there should be a single board, I just feel, again, its treating the symptoms not the causes … the government has set up a body called “Ofqual” that is meant to be a regulator and going down this route would almost be a “vote of no confidence” in them. Does anyone really think that doing this will eradicate all the issues … for flips sakes … things happen and not everything runs smoothly! Jeese! That is what people get paid to do … deal with the issues, make sure it doesn’t happen again and move on BUT there will always be issues, it’s just that next time it’ll be a different issue. Grow up and accept it.

Anyway I digress … following the consultation Ofqual wrote to Gove about his primary aims and mentioned 3 concerns and the last one was (letter here -> Ofqual letter Nov 12 to Gove)


I’d be really interested to know what the “other more detailed concerns “ are all about but basically they suggested that exam reform and wholesale changes to exam boards at the same time wasn’t such a good idea. WOW .. common sense.


The consultation closed and when the findings were polished (document here -> Consultation Findings ) and Gove also wrote to Ofqual (HERE) and confirmed that the idea of single exam boards was put on the back burner but there was is a threat left hanging.  


Now me being cynical, thinks that it was always going to come back to the table … but … but … but …part of me thinks “just p1ss on the pot or get off”. Either do it and get it over and done with or stop using it as a threat when there are issues with exam boards. The fact is there will always be issues and they will never be eradicated! Ever! Get over with it and just “man up” and be prepared to take the flak when things don’t go to plan.

Now that I’ve gotten this far, having told you this is a “two-parter” … I’ve just decided to make it three … let’s call it my “3 for 2 offer”. Next time I’m going to look in more detail at the below document and the last one will include some traditional ranting about the pros and cons of a single board.

 last one

So until next time … stay safe and don’t have nightmares. I do! If you haven’t heard I have frogs/toads in my garden – I thought there was one of them but there are at least 3! Arggghhh I am now scared of my own back yard!

On a totally unrelated note why don’t people “justify” their paragraphs in their letters? is there a reason? … it makes it look untidy and I have a recollection that justified text is easier to read.