Cue the M&S advert music.

This isn’t just any list. This is a maths list.

There are perils in writing a list.

When I’m trying to sleep at night I lie on the edge of my bed with my ipad on the floor and read blogs. Maths blogs. I am not saying they are the perfect anti-dote for amnesia but they help and one of the sites I use to get a feel for what is going on in the wider ed-community is Education Echo Chamber and the UNCUT version which contains every single blog in the UK. There is a proviso: – in order for posts to get reblogged: your details must be on the latest version of THE spreadsheet kept over on Scenes from the Battleground by @oldandrewuk

Yesterday he put a call out to see if there were any volunteers (I’d like to think of myself as a “Maths elf”) to help set up “subject specific” Echo Chamber sites that would collate all the blogs for specific subjects and reblog them in one place … and so the “ The Maths Echo Chamber ” was born. It is still a work in progress and may involve some earlier posts getting reblogged initially but its working (thanks to some jiggery pokery on Andrews behalf) and hopefully it will prove to be useful to have all the maths blogs in one place.

The thing is unless your details are on Andrews spreadsheet your site can’t get picked up, so if you blog about maths (and have posted within the last 6 months) and if your details aren’t on the sheet (firstly where have you been??!?!) can you please tweet @oldandrewuk  as soon as possible or if you’re not on twitter can you email me

The list of blogs will then, in the next week or so, appear as a blog roll on the site and periodically will get updated so if you become aware of a new Maths blog or even start blogging after this, do it! but also do let us know.  

So it turns out this isn’t really a list. It will be THE list of maths blogs in the UK.

… now to write a list of people “to follow on Twitter” .. as if! dream on!