Confirmed by Ofqual today.

legacy resit

Links to the actual consultation decision document which details the outcome for legacy resits at BOTH GCSE and A LEVEL where a subject has been overhauled. Basically our current year 11 will get two “bites at the cherry” – this is something our colleagues in FE felt strongly about and is the right thing for Ofqual to have done!

There were nearly 400 responses ( detailed here ) which on one hand is disappointing given the number of teachers that we have but is FABULOUS compared to previous consultations. We must use our voice and it is something I will keep reminding you to do.

I had a feeling that today something would be announced – I’d also pre-empted it with the below tweet in response to one from Ofqual.

Thanks to everyone that replied to the consultation and it is good to see that (and I quote my Twitter BFF Emma Bell) common sense has prevailed. I’m now off to update my “what we know and don’t know about the GCSE” blog post!! 
