I didn’t get around to sharing the holibob homework this time … busy, busy, busy!!! So to make up for this I’ve changed them into some worksheets that you may find useful for any revision session that you’re doing over the holiday period. I’m not going to get into the rights or wrongs of whether we should be doing revision with students in the holidays – the fact is they do take place. It is something that we do as teachers (not everyone does I know!) and I can’t see it going away any time soon in some settings. I can see both sides of the argument but whilst we are all competing for a piece of the grade 4+/5+ pie anything that eeks out an extra mark or two for students will always be seen as worthwhile but as with all these things invariably the students that you want to attend generally don’t. Anyway, its an argument that I’ve had many times and it gets a tad boring after a while …
Soooo … here you go -> there are foundation, crossover and higher versions below …
Revision challenge – Crossover
Revision challenge – Foundation
Revision challenge – Higher
Finally, by way of an update I can announce that I am now officially an SLE having done my training last week – its taken a long time to get to this point having jumped through the application and interview process (both painless if you’re thinking about it!) over 12 months ago but because I moved schools in September it was deemed pointless sending me on the training (and I agree by the way, given that at the time I was going to leave the classroom for a year but things change!) so I’ve only just got around to it. Personally I don’t see that it will add much to the job I do already but something I wanted to do because I could which is a personality flaw of mine …
Anyway its the holidays so I’m off to do something other than work for a while …. Happy holidays!!