Now that I’ve been relocated some of you may have noticed that my last week of posts have disappeared; if you haven’t noticed take my word for it! We all know how stressful moving is – its said to be one of the most stressful things that people go through – but I am pleased to say that we have come through it unscathed.

Anyway back to me! This weekend I have been busy putting together some resources for averages from a table, and wanted to explore the use of a collective memory activity, but with a difference. I usually use this type of thing for shape related topics, which involves remembering (and recalling) the facts on the poster – this  one is not just a memory exercise. All of the answers are wrong and once the students have the question written down they can work out the correct answers themselves, so is a great plenary exercise at the end of the lesson. It worked really well today … if you haven’t yet tried this type of activity I find it works best with the poster just outside my door, so I can stand in the doorway and make sure the students aren’t taking photos of it (trust me! they would!) whilst also keeping an eye on the rest of the class in the room .

If you’ve never tried this type of thing – give it a go!