To continue on the theme of #nurture1213, and in the same style as part 1 (in less than 120 characters) this is my list of hopes, some would say “pipe-dream” for the forthcoming year. On a personal level 2012 has been a tough year, so here’s hoping for a better 2013 and to all of you out there I sincerely hope that 2013 is a good one.

In no particular order:

1. Lose weight. I am becoming a cliché.

2. Get fit. Definitely a cliché.

3. Continue to blog and tweet; loving it so far – I want to increase my followers on Twitter!!!

4. My father settled where he is safe and happy. Dementia sucks!

5. Continued success for my students and school – a big ask to beat last years results, but 20% above FFT is achievable.

6. Finish my Masters. Looking unlikely as the deadline looms. I must make the time to get this done.

7. Be more organised and stop playing the paper shuffling game. Deal with it, file it or bin it!

8. Get ahead of the game with my allotment (yes I have an allotment – get over it!!) . This will mean waiting for the water to subside obviously!

9. See my friends and family more often. I have the best friends/family in the world and I need to see more of them.

10. Continue to enjoy teaching and develop as a teacher.

11. Win the £10 challenge with my 6th form mentor group (the aim is to spend the money to make as much as we can by the end of the year) – up to £60. Any ideas gratefully received.

12. Go with my gut instinct when it comes to making decisions, and stop stressing about the “small stuff”.

This seems to preclude my husband Rob, so (13) is to not take him for granted – this year we will be celebrating 19 years of marriage. I wouldn’t say all of its been glorious, but we’ve worked hard at it and I love him to infinity and beyond (awwww!!!)

What will be interesting is revisiting this post in 12 months time and reviewing how the year actually panned out.

Happy New Year.