free stufFor the last 4 or 5 months or so I’ve been tweeting using a separate Twitter account (@ReviseJustMaths) that is used purely to tweet past GCSE exam questions from all the major exam boards – these are then shortly followed by a worked solution and sometimes with a little hint or tip (maybe they are just my ramblings and don’t make any sense to anyone!).

It started as a way to get some of our students to revise – as the ad says “every little helps” – and for some of our students this may be the only revision that they do! The response from other teachers has been brilliant and its great that so many of you are getting your students to follow the account too. Additionally the images are being used in the classroom too – it is with this, in mind, that we have updated our free stuff page to include a tab for Revise Q&As that I am going to put some of the questions and answers on for some teachers to access with their classes as some schools block Twitter (how rude!?!). As I now have 100’s of these questions and answers if I put  them all on the site the page would be massive, so I’m still trying to decide if I just keep the most recent weeks images, or just a selection of the “hot topics” or even just a selection of unusual questions … not sure yet, but your feedback/comments or ideas would be appreciated.
