In our day jobs, we’ll be hosting another maths collaborative network meeting next month for schools within about 20 miles of us … it would have been quite easy to accept that with the growing academisation across the county and the demise of LA support at subject level, one of the casualties was going to be the opportunity for HODs to get together. However, it so happened, that Edexcel wanted to trial “maths network hubs” that could support other schools by holding regular update meetings, and we agreed to be one of 2 trial centres (the other is in London *Hi Pietro*).  It’s not a “sales pitch” by Edexcel and even if you don’t use them as your exam board the information shared is invaluable, as it includes curriculum updates but more importantly ideas are shared and debated. Late last year we held two meetings  (I wasn’t there for the second meeting … I was at some shindig in London … it was actually the TES awards!) and the feedback and response was superb to both of them.

The point is the next meeting (it’s FREE too and the biscuits are ok too, which Seager tells me is one of the important factors he considers when deciding whether to go anywhere!!) is Wednesday 27th November, so if you are in Worcestershire or within about 20 miles of our school … look out for an invite letter (usually addressed to your Headteacher) in the next few weeks from Maria Hoather with more details.