RevisionYou will never guess what I’m doing with year 11 at the minute … damn! you guessed! … revision!

I came across some connect 4’s that I’d put together last year and they went down really well today … so well in fact that the group got through all three of them and so got loads of practice on lots and lots of different topics. It is all about practice at this stage!.

–  Revision 1 – Connect 4

–  Revision 2 – Connect 4

–  Revision 3 – Connect 4

Another thing that I’ve seen on twitter this week is my Revision Table Mat or Poster that I put together (with suggestions from twitterworld!) and I’m thinking it’s the kind of thing that would be useful to put onto a school newsletter  or onto your schools website to give parents some ideas as to what could be done to revise in maths.


Mat or poster


Wahoo!! Lucky you … two posts in one evening!