oops bigIt is hump day! yay! We are now officially closer to Friday than the start of the week.

So much to tell you but got waylaid this evening with an urgent request doing someone a favour, so it’ll have to wait until the weekend. I have however been thinking about “stuff” – driven by the fact that I am in the middle of marking test papers … in a moment of insanity Seager decided he wanted to give every student baseline tests, so I’m halfway through marking 5 class sets of exam papers. After this they will all RAG rate the questions and then set targets. This reflection then gets marked and the student is given a question that they didn’t get full marks on (and I feel they should have), with a “model” answer and another question to have a go at … hey presto! Feedback loop closed.

I’m calling them Oops! worksheets … basically they are targeted at those questions where the student should have a real doh! facepalm! moment knowing that they should have got more marks. The intention is that I’ll do them for about 5 questions on each of the papers that have been set (Edexcel 2014 June) and also Key Stage 3 papers from 2007. I think I’ve done enough of a selection to provide some real personalised feedback depending on which questions the students didn’t get full marks on (note some questions were used on multiple tiers and this is reflected in the file name):


Edexcel June 2014

2014 06 – NON CALC F Q10

2014 06 – NON CALC F Q12

2014 06 – NON CALC F Q16

2014 06 – NON CALC H Q02

2014 06 – NON CALC H Q03 F Q20

2014 06 – NON CALC H Q04 F Q21

2014 06 – CALC F Q17

2014 06 – CALC H Q03 F Q27

2014 06 – CALC H Q09 F Q28

2014 06 – CALC H Q10 F Q23

2014 06 – CALC H Q11

SAT’s 2007

2007 SATs NON CALC —- 3-5 Q08 4-6 Q1

2007 SATs NON CALC —- 3-5 Q09 4-6 Q2

2007 SATs NON CALC —- 3-5 Q16 4-6 Q9 5-7 Q1

2007 SATs NON CALC —- 3-5 Q17 4-6 Q10 5-7 Q2

2007 SATs NON CALC —- 3-5 Q18 4-6 Q11 5-7 Q3

2007 SATs NON CALC —- 3-5 Q21 4-6 Q14 5-7 Q6

2007 SATs NON CALC —- 5-7 Q20

Along a similar theme I went through the non calculator paper with my year 11s after I marked it (picking out top 40 topics alongside the basics they should know, focussing on technique, layout and common mistakes I’d picked up through marking the paper) and asked them to do a tally chart on the back of the paper of marks that they now feel that they should have got. Without exception, every single one of them would have got their target grade (or within the length of a gnats thingamajig of it!) and it was amazing to see some of them in just a couple of lessons starting to believe that they can “do maths”.