4 weeks down and it has been a roller coaster ride.

Actually let me add to that: it has been a roller coaster ride with an upward trajectory!

For those of you that started new jobs this September I am sure some of you will empathise and others won’t be able to relate at all, so I will keep it short and sweet and just say that changing schools has, at times, been harder than I thought it was going to be in some aspects yet easier than I thought in other areas. It has been weird. Weird, but good.

The week started with a crash – literally! My husband managed to crash his car (he’s fine!); the car: not so much! Hopefully the parts are winging their way from Italy and we’ll get it back in three weeks. The middle part of the week saw me making some new worksheets (here are some bread and butter worksheets for key stage 3) and in other news Ofsted published a report on behaviour “Below the radar: low-level disruption” and Edexcel finally announced their new GCSE has been accredited. Ending the week on a high always helps, and it was lovely to hear some positive feedback from a parent today, which made my day!

So far, each week seems to pass in a blur, with classes and groups of students passing through my room. Books marked and lessons planned. Things are getting knocked off my “to-do” list and new things getting added and the next thing I know the weekend is upon us and I am sure next week will be the same: our one-to-ones start, we’re interviewing for a new member of the team and Friday we have our collaborative maths meeting. I’m also a glutton for punishment and Seager is starting to dread the words “I’ve had an email” or “I’ve spoken to … “ as I agreed a couple of months ago that we would deliver a workshop at La Salle Educations Maths Conference in Kettering, which at the time seemed months away. It is now tomorrow!!! Eek!!

I wonder when I’ll tell him about the email I received today? … I think I’ll build up to that!

It’s a good job I like being busy! Love it! Love it! Love it!