I’ve been meaning to post this since before Christmas as I know lots of you will be searching for help (as I was) in order to put something together for SMSC for your maths department.

We’ve done a whole school audit and we went a stage further and put together our departmental statement/policy … call it what you want! The idea with all our policies is that it’s a “work in progress” and as we do more and more “stuff” we will add to it – bear in mind it’s a new team and it will take time for us to do more whole year/school/house activities.

Being brutally honest I searched t’internet and what I found was pretty pants! I’m not suggesting this is perfect but it might give some of you some inspiration to develop your own further. The version we’re adding to the maths department webpage is all school “logoed” up (again I think I’m inventing words because I’m sure that’s not a real word!) but the word version ->HERE is ready for you to adapt for your own use.

I’ve also added it to JustMaths Online in the extras tab (Dept Stuff) … if you subscribe be sure to check out the extras tabs at the top of the screen when you log in using the teacher login. Enjoy!


Oh yeah … have a great first day back!