So the end is nigh … and wow what a summer! For some of you now is probably not the time to say that we don’t got back until the 7th but to be honest I’m ready to go back to work. 7 weeks is a long time and after the results for our first year 11’s at our new school I’m raring to do it all over again.

Last year was tough for me personally in terms of being the most humbling experience of my teaching career and I’m ready to draw a line under it. Results day was the pinnacle of the year – ( OUR RESULTS ) and  for me and was topped off with being able to call a student to inform her that she’d gone from a B to an A . Best thing ever!

Don’t be thinking we’re resting on our laurels though: in terms of the forthcoming year we have some biggies to tick off: Ofsted due in the autumn term, we’re organising a JustMaths conference “thang”, more training events for the new GCSE, a trip to Hong Kong in the October half term to deliver some training and in the next couple of days JustMaths Online gets a facelift.

Just Maths Big Fat 50 Final

The Top 40 is expanding into the Big Fat 50 for the new GCSE and for each topic I’ve done boarding cards, homeworks and also a scheme of work for the whole 40 or 50 topics. So if you have access to JustMaths Online Current Version please bear with us over the next week or so as we switch over to the new look and note that it will be important to make it clear which set of resources your students should be using – we’ve tried to make it simple: They’re either following the “current GCSE” (year 11) or the “new GCSE” (year 10 and below). Any topics that have moved out of the new GCSE such as questionnaires will be also available as “other topics” so you’ll still have access to the resources and tutorials. On top of that the “extras” tab, where I put everything else, is going to have a “tidy up” (over the next couple of weeks).

JM ONline


To mark the occasion of the launch of the Big Fat 50 in the next 10 days… we’re giving away 2 annual school subscriptions (if you already have access you’ll get your next year’s subscription free of charge!). All you need to do to enter the competition is to either:

  • leave a comment below with your name OR
  • RT any of Mel’s tweets publishing the competition OR
  • Like our facebook page OR
  • Email Mel with your name (mel@justmaths.co.uk)

Mel has a swanky spreadsheet set up and a big hat that all the names will go into and we’ll announce the winners on Sunday night!

PS: Next Summer we’ll expand the Big Fat 50 into the Super60 at which point we’ll review all the topics for the new GCSE based on any new SAMs that come out of the exam boards.