“Making Numbers” – Supporting children’s understanding and reasoning

The marvellous Rob Smith (call him Robert James .. he loves it!) sent me some information about a session that the joint MA/ATM branch is running on Saturday 12th March in Leicester.

Delivered by Jenni Back, Sue Gifford and Rose Griffiths (Leicester University and University of Roehampton), this workshop will look at several aspects of a current two-year research and development project, which is funded by the Nuffield Foundation. The aim is to support primary teachers in using ‘manipulatives’ to help children learn about numbers and arithmetic in engaging and meaningful ways.  

According to the “bumpfh”  Rob has sent out, there will be opportunities for you to try out activities that have been found to be effective in supporting children’s understanding and reasoning. There will be alternative representations of problems, key findings and they’re hoping to collect your ideas about ways of providing guidance to teachers.  The MA and ATM will have publications available via bookstalls at break time. If you want to see a selection and the variety available you can visit the two website shops and a selection will be available on the day.

To book a place please email your name/school to: ma-atm-eastmidlands-secretary@live.co.uk

Cost – There is an entrance fee for those in work (£5.00) & for GTP/PGCE students (£2.00)

Any questions … don’t ask me … get in touch with Rob (email above!)