“New (1/2) Terms Eve”
It’s the start of another half term and this morning I woke up with a mixture of emotions. Part of me was raring to go and excited but there was a little part […]
It’s the start of another half term and this morning I woke up with a mixture of emotions. Part of me was raring to go and excited but there was a little part […]
In 2 weeks’ time I will have been blogging and tweeting for 2 years (does that mean I can start with the “terrible twos” and start having tantrums?) My very
Just wow!
Changing job is THE hardest think I have ever done in my career. It must be the best kept secret in teaching, because no-one ever tells you what to expect […]
The last six weeks I have had to go back to basics in terms of my lesson planning and behaviour management … let’s just say that at times it feels like doing my PGCE […]
Very shortly after accepting our jobs in the summer term we were dealt a blow: our NQT wasn’t going to accept his position; our new gaffer dealt with this swiftly and managed to […]
I have written what seems to be endless posts on homework … arghh!!
You would imagine that the question “does homework work?” would be easy to answer, wouldn’t you? As a teaching […]
Right … where to start? I suppose I start at the beginning and see where it takes me .. remember I have blogging tourettes!
Changing jobs in schools is not very well […]
Now that the last “big” or should that be the “biggest” maths exam board has been accredited looking at the specimen papers can begin, so hopefully you’ll find this post useful. Someone once […]