July 2014
Goldilocks and ..
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Michael Goveylocks (thanks Michelle for renaming my main character… love it!). He went for a walk in the forest and whilst out walking he […]
Teacher Planner
I like to think that I’m “down with the kids” when it comes to technology. I have never used a paper planner – in fact I hate paper! All I seem […]
You Can’t Say that!
Maybe this post should have been called “What I’d like to really say” .. I know today is going to be tough so wish me luck …
Waiting Waiting
This is a “bitty” blog post as I would have liked to have ranted / discussed (come on Mel you can’t discuss with yourself!) reflected on the feedback from Ofqual about the draft Maths […]
New schemes of work
You SHOULD be aware that the new GCSE will be first examined in June 2017 so working backwards from that in the traditional sense of a two year course means that […]
The Journey begins:
In our school’s newsletter tomorrow there is a section about leavers and promotions, so as of then, the students will be made aware. To be honest I’ve told my groups already […]
Thieving Gits!
This last week has been full of extreme highs and lows and the final week of term now looms large (I’ll come back to the highs over the weekend) but for now […]
Underwhelmed ..
So … 32 new hubs have been announced and let’s just say I was underwhelmed with the response to this evenings #mathscpdchat where they were the main discussion topic. A post on […]