October 2015

Get cape …

2015-10-15T17:37:07+01:00October 15th, 2015|Blog|

courageTwelve months ago we were just coming up the end of our first half term at a new school and I’ve been […]

October 2014

The importance of routine

2014-10-14T21:32:45+01:00October 14th, 2014|Blog|

The last six weeks I have had to go back to basics in terms of my lesson planning and behaviour management … let’s just say that at times it feels like doing my PGCE […]

September 2014


2014-09-06T00:23:32+01:00September 6th, 2014|5 - Misc., Blog, Teaching|

I did promise that I would be chronicling the journey … warts and all! (Mainly mine!) so here goes:

It’s Friday evening and I am absolutely “banjaxed” after a week that has […]

July 2014

The Journey begins:

2014-08-26T14:16:35+01:00July 13th, 2014|Blog|

In our school’s newsletter tomorrow there is a section about leavers and promotions, so as of then, the students will be made aware. To be honest I’ve told my groups already […]

May 2014

Well excited!

2014-07-11T23:55:50+01:00May 2nd, 2014|Blog, Teaching|

I have been keeping a low profile this week for a number of reasons, one of which for the last couple of days has been flu .. not your run of […]

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