Well! It looks like Summer is here, so I’m trying to enjoy it while it lasts! This week gone in a whirl, so in my usual fashion here’s my week in bullet points:

HAPPY =  Results are out and we have already SMASHED FFT D targets. Yes we’ve beaten them by a long way and still have a final exam to go. We work at a tough school and the results to date show that the accolade of being “most improved” school in England is well deserved and not just a “fluke”. Well done everyone … lets keep up the momentum for the final stretch!

INSPIRED =  I was reminded why I teach when I was able to call a student who is on an alternative timetable to give them their results and they were beyond being “over the moon”.  The work and determination shown by this student to achieve their potential is inspirational.

WOW =  We launched the Top40 this week and the response has been phenomenal – so many schools are interested! So if you haven’t heard about it check out the Top 40 page and get in on it!

CHUFFED = Milestones were hit on the blog and Twitter in terms of views and the number of followers!

HEARTBROKEN = Amid the highs, the low for my week has to be seeing my dad (87 with dementia) who was taken into hospital as his health is deteriorating.

PROUD = My ResultsPlus template for the Edexcel results (see the below posts) is now being used in loads of schools, and I love the fact that 1000’s of students will get to see at a glance, their strengths and weaknesses from the recent exam. If you haven’t seen it and use 1MA0 do check it out!

This post is not as succinct as I would have liked, as I want to enjoy my Sunday, so that’s me done …. till next time.