Lit scrabbleThis is another one of those post’s where I am not claiming credit for this but loved it so much I adapted it for my own use and thought I’d share it further – I’ve just offered the idea out to other teachers at school and it has been taken up by over 1/2 the teaching staff (and I’ve kept reprographics busy for a while and hammered someone else’s budget!) So thank you for the inspiration â€“ I originally saw something like this on a tweet from Tweak & Tweet Maths (@Tweak and Tweet Maths) which I think was based on one of the scrabble ideas from Amjad Ali (@ASTsupportAAli) and his toolkit.

Basically, I’ve got class sets of these cards laminated (on either A4 or A5 – I’m going for A4) to use as a quick plenary that ticks lots of whole-school numeracy and literacy boxes. I’m actually going to tape mine to the centre of each desk and going to try to use them at least one lesson a week, and possibly even get a little competitive element going with some of my groups.

I have attached a word version here with the scrabble letters inserted as a image, so you haven’t got to download the font – you can also change the name of the school on the document- note there are 2 pages on the file.