
Following my call to Nick Gibbs office on Monday (Post ->  HOTLINE TO NICK GIBBS OFFICE ) I chased for an update on the “Good” pass having sent a link to my blog post where I mentioned the students caught up in the grade-shift upwards. It’s great to see that Mark Dawe from OCR is “on song” too in this (Post ->  SCHOOLSWEEK ARTICLE )… I just wish more people in positions of influence would voice the opinions publicly that I know get discussed behind closed doors (but then again I wouldn’t have anything to blog about … oh hang on! maybe that wouldn’t be a bad thing!!)  – maybe it comes back to that old chestnut where people don’t want to stick their head above the parapet for fear of repercussions or maybe for fear of someone disagreeing with them and then the fall out that comes with it. Me though? I love a good row! Even worse though is the fact that many people feel its not worth standing up to be counted because “they will do what they want anyway”.

Anyway, I digress (as usual, I know) but I got a speedy response from Nick Gibbs private office:


Whilst I really appreciate the response and clarification it’s got me thinking: Was this part of the “big plan”? if so, why wasn’t this policy made clear earlier? (The government really could have lessened some of the worry in post-16) or is it a knee jerk reaction to questions having been asked?

Anyway it would appear that I got something of a “scoop”  –  if it’s not “new” news to you it’s definitely new to lots of my twitter buddies in FE/Post 16 who I would say are pretty “on the ball”. Maybe I shouldn’t have tweeted the photo of the response but hey ho! I’m just a little ‘ol teacher and naïve in the world of the “done thing”. I am a little worried that the men in black suits will knock on my door and I’ll get driven off somewhere never to be seen again #notreally.


I’ve never really considered myself a  REAL “blogger” (and still don’t! not like the “big players”) – it really only started as me talking about my resources and something that I liked doing – seriously I never, ever thought people would “actually” read this shiz! I must be doing something right because the hits on the site are shamazing! (“urban dictionary” it!) and getting messages (& I hope they don’t mind me quoting a recent email) such as “Mel, I love your blog – when frustration is taking me over you manage to put into words the rant I want to have, and make me laugh again” makes my day!.

That is not a *hint* (not its not! Seriously!! I have more emails awaiting a response than you can shake a stick at) to send me lovely messages … I feel the love. No I do. Really. Really.