posters 4So today I finally finished my exam marking. I whinge and moan about it but I genuinely think it helps me understand the requirements of GCSE better. In fact, this Summer I also marked KS2 and that was eye-opening but again, it gave me a better understanding of what our year 7’s have just sat when they arrive this September.

I’m almost at a loss as to what to do with the time I would have spent marking … of course I’m not (don’t be silly!) … I have loads of things I want to do.

posters2The first thing of which was to dig out my half-finished “maths formula bunting” to get up in my room. It is similar to my previous bunting (I wrote about it here including credits for the original idea) but this new one has all the formula from the “Edexcel Formula poster” for the new GCSE that you may have seen (if you haven’t you can find a copy on the Emporium – in Grahams drawers!).  I just have an aversion to these type of posters – don’t ask me what it is about them (and it’s not just Edexcels .. it’s all of them!) I just can’t make myself like them – maybe I’m weird!?!? I think it is something to do with the fact that they come folded up and just remind me of those posters that were in the centre of “Smash Hits” that I had plastered all over my bedroom as a kid (even my ceiling!). I always hated the folds in them .. in fact my favourite poster was of Sly Stallone standing in front of a Porsche and not because I liked him at the time but the fact that it was a poster I had bought for me that came in a tube! I am seriously not sure what any of that “says” about me!

Anyway I’ve taken the formula from Edexcels poster and put onto separate flags of my bunting. There are 20 altgoether (not all are shown below). NB: the red headings are for “higher” tier) and I’m going to print onto different coloured pastels, laminate and hang up over the Summer ready for the new year.  Fancy making your own? You will find the file here -> Bunting Posters PDF

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