Me again.
Today the exam boards published the advance information for the November exam series.
You can find them using the links below:
- Pearson / Edexcel (click on Nov 22 Support)
I’ve also put together some student friendly versions which aren’t 20 + pages long. There are two versions:
- Can be printed on a double sided page and lines up the topics so that students can see where topics are repeated over papers … it seemed to work with our students this summer as they could see that the list of topics got less (if they’d prepared for paper 1 the list for paper 2 was shorter as they didn’t have to revise those topics again in such detail … and the same for paper 3). This version is available for all the boards. Here:
AQA -> Foundation Tier and Higher Tier
OCR -> Foundation Tier and Higher Tier
Pearson / Edexcel -> Foundation Tier and Higher Tier
- A prettier 1 page version with a checklist for each paper on one side. I’ve only done this for Pearson so far but will update this post when the others are done later this week. Here they are:
Pearson -> Foundation Tier and Higher Tier
As we don’t yet know the numbers who will have to resit for post 16, I’ve saved them in a folder to print on results day and I’ll follow it up with an email to the students and parents on the day to give them as much notice as possible. I’ll also be producing packs of “take 5” worksheets tailored to the Pearson papers over the Summer as they seemed to work really well in prepping students for the recent exams.
All the above are already on JustMaths online.
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